Studia Neoaristotelica – A Journal of Analytical Scholasticism is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal devoted to the promotion of Aristotelian philosophy broadly conceived, drawing especially on the rich legacy of the scholastic tradition and on contemporary analytical metaphysics. A special emphasis is placed on the most advanced forms of scholastic thought, hitherto virtually unexplored, which emerged during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Our vision is to work toward a contemporary philosophical synthesis of analytic and scholastic methods and ideas. We are interested not only in papers that attempt to advance this vision, but also in papers that are critical of it.
The journal was founded in 2004 by a Czech scholar Stanislav Sousedík and has been published since then by the Faculty of Theology, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic.
Presently the journal is only published online through the Philosophy Documentation Center. It comprises:
- 2 regular issues per year in English (or Latin);
- Series Bohemoslovaca: an irregular, open access series of Czech and Slovak articles;
- A series of Supplementa or special printed issues in hardback.
The journal is governed by a seven-member Editorial Board assisted by a larger Board of Editorial Advisors. Two members of the Editorial Board serve as executive editors to manage the day-to-day editorial work.
The journal is indexed by WoS, Philosophy Research Index, Scopus, erih, and Ulrich.
ISSN 1214-8407 (print)
ISSN 1804-6843 (online)