Studia Neoaristotelica


The journal was founded by Stanislav Sousedík, who also served as the first Editor-in-Chief and President of the Editorial Board (there was no Board of Advisors back then); executive editors being Lukáš Novák and Daniel Heider. The first double issue 1/1–2 (2004) was published in print, entirely in Czech and Slovak except for the German version of the founder’s Foreword. The journal was published by the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice and printed in the Czech Republic.
Starting with vol. 2 (2005), the Guidelines printed on the inside back cover specified that the journal accepts contributions in Czech, Slovak, and any world language including Latin. Since then, the amount of content in English in the journal grew steadily.
Stanislav Sousedík resigned from the Head of the Editorial Board and from the role of the Editor-in-Chief (being named the Honorary President of the Board). Tomáš Machula succeeded him in these roles.
On September 1 this year, upon becoming Dean of the Faculty of Theology, University of South Bohemia, Tomáš Machula resigned from his position as the Editor-in-Chief of the journal. The Editorial Board elected Petr Dvořák in his stead.
From this year on, the journal has been made available also online through the Philosophy Documentation Center.
On the meeting of the Editorial Board in January 28, Petr Dvořák resigned from his position as the Editor-in-Chief of the journal, being succeeded by Daniel D. Novotný. Also, important changes in the governement of the journal were discussed and subsequently approved by a per rollam vote:
  • The journal shall become fully English; but separate Czech/Slovak issues will be retained.
  • The hitherto Editorial Board shall be transformed into two bodies:
    1. A reduced Editorial Board comprising 6 members, each endowed wtih veto power: the founder, the two editors, a representant of the publisher (University of South Bohemia), a Slovak member and a foreign member.
    2. A Board of Editorial Advisors, comprising the rest of the former members of the Editorial Board and supplemented by a number of international scholars.
In accord with the abovementioned decisions, starting with vol. 9 (2012), the journal adopted the format of 2 issues in English plus 1 issue in Czech/Slovak per year (all available both in print and online).
Starting with vol. 10 (2013), the German publishing house Editiones Scholasticae owned by Rafael Hüntelman took over the production of the two English printed issues. The Czech printed issues (every year’s no. 3) continued to be printed in the Czech Republic.
Starting with vol. 13 (2016), the printed Czech/Slovak issues were discontinued (thus, there have been 4 separate Czech/Slovak printed issues). Instead, an online open-access series called Series Bohemoslovaca was launched as a platform for the Czech/Slovak content, each published article counting as a separate online issue. (Thus, Series Bohemoslovaca 1/1 represents Studia Neoaristotlica 13/3 etc.).
Starting with vol. 18 (2021), the English printed issues of the journal were discontinued and the journal moved completely online, being available at the Philosophy Documentation Center.